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Love Tank is Running Low

I am really glad we chose The 5 Love Languages as our first book to read. This book definitely makes me start thinking of new ways to improve my marriage relationship. My husband and I have dated for 12 years and married for 7 years and I always know we speak different "languages" whenever we are discussing or arguing (it does not help given his first language is English and mine is not). I used to think the disagreements and arguments are because we had different backgrounds, plus men and women's brains function in different ways. While reading this book, I began to question myself. Maybe we argue because we want more attention from each other as our love tank are running low over the years?

It took me weeks to figure out my own love language. I know it used to be Quality time but I was wondering if it changed to Act of Services since we had kids (there are always tons of housework everyday). I finally realized that I would still be happy and feel be loved if my husband spent more quality time with me and the kids even if our house is dirty...

My next action plan is to figure out my husband's and my children's love languages. I am curious to learn what other people did to find out their spouse and children's love languages.

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